Live Online Workshop
Dozent:in: Anna-Maria Hefele
Sprache: English
Kosten: 28,00€
Keine Anmeldung mehr möglich, der Workshop hat bereits stattgefunden.
Ähnliche Tutorials:
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Overtone Singing
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Overtone Singing
In the online group session for overtone singing you get the opportunity to receive personal feedback and also learn from Anna-Maria answering your and other peoples questions.
Suggested requirement for participation: you have practiced some overtone singing already, with my video course, with a teacher or in a workshop. That way the online group session can serve as platform to answer your questions and to help you in your individual learning process of the technique with feedback on your singing.
Technical requirements: computer / smartphone with stable internet connection. A webcam is nice but not mandatory for participating.
Online-platform: zoom ( If you need help installing, on the website is a lot of information how to get started with zoom >here
Max. 18 participants, 70 minutes (if 10 or less participants: 50 minutes; if 5 or less: 30 minutes)
The zoom-invitation link is contained in the purchase note (you’ll receive a confirmation of your puchase), and it will be sent via e-mail a few days before the meeting.
Additional Online Group Sessions offered on
- English: Saturday, June 12th, 2021 – 5pm CET
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Gelassenheit lernen
Live Online Workshop