The Directed Listening Model – Component 1: Pulse

Mo, 11. Apr 2022 20:00 bis 21:30
Live Online Workshop

Dozent:in: Christoph Breithack, John Pasquale, David Clemmer

Kosten: 30,00€
Veranstalter: Blasmusik.Digital

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The Directed Listening Model – Component 1: Pulse

The Directed Listening Model is a pedagogical system that combines musicianship and technical precision. By providing a codified process for the interaction between conductors and performers in rehearsal and performance, The Directed Listening Model presents an efficient framework to achieve artistry at all ability levels.

This artistic framework:

  • provides a specific process in which to deconstruct and aurally analyze live ensemble sound.
  • leads to transparent performances.
  • enables maximum artistry within rehearsal and performance.

Within ensemble performance, technical and abstract components are combined to achieve the goal of musical artistry. The Directed Listening ModelTM defines and codifies the technical components as

  • Pulse
  • Sound Production
  • Comprehensive Balance

while more abstract elements are clarified in the component of

  • Musicality.

Aural analysis of ensemble sound can be ambiguous and difficult to achieve. Sound analysis, by both the conductor and the performers, is made tangible and focused through the use of Listening Awareness Levels. The Listening Awareness Levels narrow the aural focus and enable all aspects of ensemble sound to be analyzed as they occur. Listening is directed to an individual (Listening Awareness Level 1), to the interaction of similar instruments (Listening Awareness Level 2), or to the interaction of different instrument groups (Listening Awareness Level 3).

Further insight to Listening Awareness Levels is provided in an introduction video.

Christoph Breithack

music teacher & conductor

Christoph Breithack is a music teacher in secondary education at the Heimschule St. Landolin in Ettenheim, Germany. He also conducts community bands in the Freiburg area, including the Musikverein Freiburg, St. Georgen. As a clinician he works for Yamaha Music Germany within their school band training program. Breithack is an expert in rehearsal pedagogy, training community band conductors at the BDB-Akademie in Staufen, and regularly appears as a clinician at music congresses throughout Germany. One of three co-authors of BlaserklassePLUS, an instructional resource for German secondary schools, Breithack studied bassoon for orchestra at the Trossingen University of Music in Germany and received his teaching degree at the University of Education in Weingarten.

Christoph Breithack ist als Realschullehrer und Dirigent für Blasorchester tätig. Er studierte Orchestermusik (Fagott) an der Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik Trossingen und Lehramt für Realschulen an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Weingarten. Christoph Breithack ist ein gefragter Dozent für Ensemble-Pädagogik mit den Arbeitsschwerpunkten Probenpädagogik in Blasorchestern und Bläserklassenanleitung. 2014 begann er eine Kooperation mit Professoren für Blasorchesterleitung in den USA, deren Arbeitsergebnisse in dem Buch „The Directed Listening Model: A Rehearsal Guide for Ensemble Musicianship“ in den USA und Anfang 2020 unter dem Titel „Probenmethodik Blasorchester: Geführtes Hören in der Ensemble-Arbeit“ veröffentlicht wurden. Breithack besuchte mehrfach die Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic in Chicago und war als Gastdirigent und Dozent an der University of Michigan eingeladen. Er ist Mit-Autor von BläserklassenPLUS, einem Lehrwerk für Bläserklassen im dritten und vierten Lernjahr.

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